About » Map & Directions

Map & Directions

POLAHS' vision and mission has always been supported by our home in downtown San Pedro, one block away from the largest Port complex in the nation. Our community is an extension of the classroom, offering a rich diversity of culture, interests, access, and opportunities.

POLAHS is part of a large 3.85 acre complex, which includes the Port of Los Angeles administration offices and the headquarters for the Los Angeles Port Police and Homeland Security divisions. The campus was designed specifically to meet the needs of a modern high school. Our classrooms and laboratories are dedicated to the subject being taught in terms of overall design, construction, advanced technology, and equipment.

One of the best ways to get a feel for POLAHS is to visit in person. We invite you to meet our friendly teachers, administrators, and students. They are the reason we are here, and we want you to be a part of it! To schedule a tour, please call the front desk at 310-832-9201.
Open House

Thinking about applying to POLAHS? Or maybe just interested in what we do here? In addition to campus tours throughout the year, we hold two Open House evenings in the spring. Dates are posted in local newspapers, magazines, and on our website calendar.

From the Harbor Fwy. South (110), follow the Harbor Blvd. signs near the end of the freeway. Take the Harbor Blvd. exit. Turn right on 5th Street. Go one block. The school is on the north side. The cross street is Center Street, just west of the Port Headquarters building.

Port of Los Angeles High School
250 W. 5th Street
San Pedro, CA 90731
Phone: 310-832-9201
Fax: 310-832-1605