Parents of POLAHS Students (POPS) Organization

The Parents of POLAHS Students (POPS) welcomes all parents! POPS supports and encourages the education of Port of Los Angeles High School Students through raising funds and providing volunteers for school programs and activities. Membership is available to all individuals and organizations supporting the mission of the school.

POPS Board of Directors 2024-2025

President - Moses Freyre

Vice President - Aaron Lopez

Treasurer - Lolis Garcia

Secretary - Gregory Brubaker


POPS Board Members

Lisa Cueva

Robert Dean

Vivian Deleon

Brenda Delgado

Rose Duarte

Ime Hackman

Alejandra Kovarik

Marleni Pineda

Nancy Sandoval

Yesenia Tapia


School Advisor

Jean McGlaughlin


Sign up for POPS membership today for only $10!


Support POLAHS students by shopping at Ralphs! Here's how it works:

  • Log onto 
  • Click "Sign In" and enter your account information, or click "Create an Account" if you are new to the program
  • Click "Community", then "Community Contribution." Under "Participant," click "Enroll"
  • Find and select "Port of Los Angeles High School"
  • Click "Save Changes"

POLAHS can also receive credit for your purchases if you show the Ralphs Community Program letter to the cashier before paying for your groceries.

Click here to enroll today.

POPS Membership

Send a check to POLAHS, OR deliver cash to the school to pay your $10 membershIp fee.

Membership dues provide POPS with an operating budget for the year and help POPS support POLAHS programs that are not included in the school budget.

All POPS meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of the month from 6:00-7:00 pm. The meetings take place on the school campus in the MPR. All meetings are open to the public.
August 15
September 12
October 10
November 14
January 16            
March 13
April 10
May 15
June 12