POLAHS Partners
POLAHS' donors include foundations, elected officials, individuals, local businesses, youth development organizations, and corporations. Capital, programmatic, and core operating expenses are covered by their generosity. In addition, we are able to supplement classroom instruction with guest speakers, field trips, paid internships, and study sponsorships. This honor roll delineates more than dollars and in-kind donations. It represents a deep agreement about the importance of intellect and education. In short, it forms a resounding “yes” from the whole body of POLAHS. These donors have made for an infinitely stronger high school and we are deeply grateful.
Funding Partners / Donors | Community Vendors |
POLAHS Scholarship Fund Donors
CKH Insurance
Local Resources - Education
Local Resources - Safety
Steven Frausto, LCSW, Clinical Supervisor
Theresa Kruger, M.S. Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist LMFT
Local Resources - School Finance
Local Resources - Pupil Achievement
Career Technical Education Partnerships
Government / Political Partners |
Science Department Partnerships
PE Department Partnerships |
To make a charitable contribution, send a check to POLAHS
or use the link to submit a payment via PayPal.
If you have any questions,
call Erin Loveridge,
Sr. Development Director,
at 310-732-4310.
Contributions to Port of Los Angeles High School are tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and are deductible for calculating income and estate taxes as allowed by law.