Students » ASB & Clubs

ASB & Clubs

The POLAHS Associated Student Body (ASB) represents all POLAHS students, governs student finances, and organizes school activities including social events and community projects. ASB is the principal student government body on campus headed by four officers: president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. ASB teaches students leadership skills, democracy, and financial responsibility. ASB makes important contributions to our San Pedro community, school, and students.
Congratulations to the ASB/Student Council for 2024-25:
Class of 2025 Representatives  
Jasmine Grace Capistrano
 Izel Chavez 
Autumn Garnica 
Nathaniel Ibarria 
Nathaniel Lopez 
Victoria Lopez  
Class of 2026 Representatives  
Mia Alvarez 
Alyssa Armendariz 
Zachary Keches 
Encore Libby 
What does ASB do?

Host School Events
All POLAHS dances, rallies, and school activities are organized by ASB. The purpose of these events is to raise school spirit and provide a fun break from academics!
ASB comes up with creative ways to publicize student news. ASB makes school-wide announcements and informational posters, and updates campus bulletin boards.
ASB is able to host student events through various fundraising campaigns throughout the year.
Business Meetings
ASB holds business meetings to discuss student ideas and concerns, and vote on various school issues and activities. During meetings, ASB makes decisions like approving expenditures.