Mission & Vision
POLAHS Mission
Port of Los Angeles High School inspires and educates all students by integrating a maritime theme into a rigorous, college-preparatory curriculum and pathways in Career Technical Education.
POLAHS will continue to educate and inspire its students to overcome challenges and achieve their full potential as local, state, national, and global citizens in the Twenty-First Century. POLAHS continually strives to:
- Empower all students to set and achieve personal and professional goals. Provide meaningful opportunities for students to explore and develop their unique abilities, talents, and creative and intellectual potential, inspiring them to become lifelong learners.
- Establish a rigorous and relevant academic program, fully aligned with Common Core State Standards, Next Generation Science Standards, and other state and national standards, to prepare all students for post-secondary education and careers. Emphasize and cultivate higher-order cognitive skills such as critical thinking, creative problem solving, and strategic decision making.
- Augment and expand the academic program with a variety of Career Technical Education pathways geared to the global economy.
- Promote a safe and supportive environment for all students, emphasizing social and emotional well-being, kindness, honesty, and online citizenship.